Thursday, August 1, 2013

Flag Ministry

The use of flags can be quite an entertaining sight to see, but when used to lift up blessings, glory, honor, and power to the Lord in His presence, flags can be more than entertaining. Used in accordance to the Word, flags become the primary sign for lifting up a "standard" of God. The Bible refers to the word flag as "standard" or "banner." The Hebrew word degel is translated as, a flag or banner or standard. Degel comes from the Hebrew root word dagal, meaning to flaunt, i.e. raise a flag; to be conspicuous, setting up with banners. Standard is defined as a banner used as an emblem, marker or rallying point; an ensign; military or personal flag. In the Old Testament, God commands Moses to instruct the children of Israel to camp by their own "standard" to signify their tribe. (Numbers 2:2) There were 12 different flags or banners for the 12 tribes. (Numbers 1:52, 2:2-3, 10, 18, 25; 10:14, 18,22, 25) Banner is defined as a flag or cloth standard. It is used figuratively to define one of God's Name's, Jehovah Nissi, the Lord is my banner! God's salvation and truth is declared by the raising of the banners, Psalms 20:5, Psalms 60:4. He is a banner of love and protection described in Song of Solomon 2:4 and reigns with great power, Song of Solomon 6:4, 10. He is a standard and He is calling us to lift up a standard, declare and proclaim it to all the world. (Isaiah 5:26, 11:12, 13:2, Jeremiah 50:2).

Flag Ministry or Flag Worship is the union of flags, music, and the Word of God that allows one to enter into the awesome presence of God. This worship art form brings a memorable experience of worshiping our Lord under His anointing. There are two reasons or purposes I believe for Flag Worship: (1) to exalt the name of the Lord and give Him all the praise and the glory, and (2) to destroy the works of the devil. The basic technique of flag waving is not really a new art form. We see this art displayed in the world in rhythmic gymnastics or in a school's marching band, but waving those same flags and streamers under the anointing of God as the Holy Spirit ministers to our hearts, minds, and spirits leads us into an unforgettable time of worship with the Lord. God has a message for us and through Flag Worship is one way He can deliver it.

How does one begin to praise and worship with flags begins with a desire to praise and worship the Lord. There is no special talent needed to worship with flags, even though having some skills in dance and ballet enhances your worship, but a willingness to use your body for the glory of God definitely is required. What you don't have the anointing will make up for as you present your offering to the Lord. Flag Worship can be done as an individual or group worship. As an individual, you are called on to ministry with several flags and streamers of all sorts while worshipping to a song or sometimes no music, being one with Christ. As a group, you minister as one in Christ even though each person gives their offerings with flags to the Lord in a choreograph worship or spontaneous. Through each worship piece, flags are raised and a "standard" as we know is lifted up for all the world or your audience to see. You or the group become the "bannered one (s) or standard-bearer (s), one who carries an ensign into battle. The types of flag worship pieces are the same and similar to those of dance ministry. There is a flag praise piece, a flag worship piece, a warfare piece, a flag prophetic piece, a flag celebration and dedication pieces, and many more. Notice that I didn't say, "flag praise dance piece", because dance is not a necessary requirement to worship with flags. Therefore, one can stand still and worship with flags!

The ministry comes from the heart! The colors of the flags are important as you select them for ministry. The meaning and references are many as the Holy Spirit ministers to each person individually.

- Glory & majesty (Daniel 7:9, Revelation 20:11)
- Purity (Revelation 1:14)
- Completion (John 4:35)

- Royalty (Judges 8:26)
- Wealth (Luke 16:19

- Sorrow, Calamity (Revelation 6-12)
- Hell (Jude 13

- Heavenly Character (Exodus 28:31)

- Spiritual Privileges (Jeremiah 11:16)
- Spiritual Life (Psalms 52:8, Psalms 92:12-15)

- Atonement (Isaiah 63:2) - Persecution (Revelation 12:3)
Article courtesy of Beit Tehlia Congregation
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