Sunday, July 7, 2013

Flag Ministry - Banner Worship - Praise Flags

Flags & Banners

Used in accordance to the Word, flags become the primary sign for lifting up a “standard” of God. The Bible refers to the word flag as “standard” or “banner.” The Hebrew word degel is translated as, a flag or banner or standard. Degel comes from the Hebrew root word dagal, meaning to flaunt, i.e. raise a flag; to be conspicuous, setting up with banners. Standard is defined as a banner used as an emblem, marker or rallying point; an ensign; military or personal flag. In the Old Testament, God commands Moses to instruct the children of Israel to camp by their own “standard” to signify their tribe. (Num. 2:2) There were 12 different flags or banners for the 12 tribes (Numbers 1:52, 2:2-3, 10, 18, 25; 10:14, 18, 22, 25).

Banner is defined as a flag or cloth standard. It is used figuratively to define one of God’s names, Jehovah Nissi, the Lord is my banner! Exodus 17:15 God’s salvation and truth is declared by the raising of the banners (Psalm 20:5, Psalm 60:4). He is a banner of love and protection described in Song. 2:4 and reigns with great power, Song. 6:4, 10. He is standard and He is calling us to lift up a standard, declare and proclaim it to the entire world. (Isa. 5:26, 11:12, 13:2; Jer. 50:2).

Why Are Flags Used In Worship?
Excerpt from “Bringing Back The Glory” by Joe Brown

To Bestow Honor – To declare a name and an aspect of God’s character. As we wave it, we minister in love to our King and proclaim the magnificence of Who He is.

To Communicate – As a particular flag is raised, the prayer behind it is somewhat like a phone call. We are speaking to our Lord in the aspect of His character depicted in the flag, asking Him to reveal Himself and related matters of His heart to us. For example, if a flag exalts Him as Jehovah Roi (The Lord Our Shepherd), we are asking to speak to Him as the One Who leads, protects, and comforts us. Perhaps our hearts are crying out to Him to bring us to that place of restoration, or to show us specific direction for a situation. We ask, and then await His response.

To Signal God’s Presence – Lifting flags in worship follows the action of Moses as he lifted his rod(a shepherd’s staff, a spiritual type or symbol of a flag) as a visible sign of God’s presence, power and authority over the armies of Israel. Jeremiah 51:12 Lift up a signal (flag) against the walls of Babylon; post a strong guard, station sentries, place men in ambush! For the Lord has both purposed and performed what He spoke concerning the inhabitants of Babylon.

To Declare Our Allegiance – As we wave our flags in worship, we admit our loyalty as members of our Lord’s army in the presence of men on earth and before powers and principalities in the heavens.

To Rally The Troops – We know our battles are not against flesh and blood, but against rulers, powers and spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places (Ephesians 6). Raising a flag stirs unity and loyalty in the King’s army, gathers soldiers together for strategy and strengthens commitment to victory. Isaiah 11:12 – “And He will lift up a standard (flag) for the nations, and will assemble the banished ones of Israel, and will gather the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth.”

To Direct Warfare & Praise – Early records show that in ancient Egyptians battles, soldiers looked to flags (ribbons or fabric tied to poles) to determine the direction of the wind, then shot their arrows accordingly to reach their target. In terms of spiritual warfare, a particular flag might be flown to say in the physical realm what is happening in the spiritual: it relates the direction of the “wind” of the Holy Spirit on a particular day.

To Put The Enemy To Flight – Isaiah 59:19 tells us, “… When the enemy comes in, like a flood the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him.” Flags are God-given, God anointed, Word-based standard that display His truth. Truth and light cause the enemy to flee. “Nuwc” is a Hebrew word for “standard” which means “to cause to flee away, to lift up standard.”

To Boast of Victory – Another Hebrew word for banner is “dagal” and the definition of it is “to flaunt, be conspicuous, set up with banners.” Psalm 20:7 says “we will boast in the name of the Lord…”

To Be A Touchpoint of Faith – God directed Moses to put a bronze serpent on a pole as a focal point and promised that whoever would have faith enough to look on it would be healed of the deadly serpents’ bites. As we look to the Cross in faith, we find healing in the blood of Jesus. Flags are not idols and do not contain healing, nor any other manifested gift of God, but serve the Body of Christ as a visual reminders of His faithfulness as Jehovah Rophe. The Our Healer, or Jehovah Shalom, The Lord Our Peace, or any of the wonderful qualities of El Shaddai, the All Sufficient God, God Almighty.

To Herald An Event – Flags declare a specific event or season. Through the use of flags in worship, as such a time as this, the Bride of Christ is announcing in the spirit of Elijah and John the Baptist, “The King is coming! Prepare the way for Jesus! The King is in the land!
Article taken from
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